And in the spirit of the Season, we have a FREE Gift just for YOU! If you spend $150 or more from now until 11:59 pm

To receive your discount once you've reached the $150+ amount in your shopping cart, enter the promo code: GIFT9W or mention this code if ordering by phone.
Not only will enjoy receiving one of these gifts, they make great Holiday Gifts as well. Something to think about this time of year. Click HERE for details.
MiB Coats Hit The SMALL Screen
First of all, we are very proud to have some of our most popular MiB Coats featured on

This time around Kim is reviewing Plus Size Coats offered by various companies, explaining the reasons she likes them and what she looks for in such an expensive clothing investment. Kim reviewed 4 of our most popular MiB Coats & Jackets: Twill Swing Coat (in mesa), Tweed Wool Coat (in black & white tweed), A-Line Wool Coat (in red) and our Perfect Quilted Jacket (in planetarium).
Bad Santa...not this Year!
Do you run into gift buying quandaries each year about this time? Are you stumped on what to buy for your favorite plus size friends, coworkers and

Don't despair! We've got you covered in the Plus Size Gift department. We just launched our new 2009 Holiday Gift Guide that's loaded with helpful gift suggestions grouped by price point ($30 or less, $50 or less, $75 or less and $150 or less) so not only will you be able to give a gift that you'll be proud to give, you won't ruin your Holiday Gift Budget!
Don't Tell Santa!
Can you keep a secret? Well IF you can, then I guess we can tell you about a special up-coming Holiday Shopping

Beginning on December 1st, we will be launching our new "Twelve Days of Christmas" promotion for email newsletter subscribers, which will feature a new One-Day-Only Discount on a special giftable item each day for 12 days. Great for gift-giving as well as self-giving! If you'd like to receive our special "Twelve Days of Christmas" One-Day-Only discount offers, you can sign up to begin receiving our MiB Newsletters right on the top left side of our website.
Earn Money for Gifts by Promoting MiB on your Website!
Do you need some extra money for buying gifts this year? Do you have your own website or blog? Yes, you say! Well

To learn more about our MiB Affiliate Program click HERE. We hope to welcome you as a new MiB Affiliate soon!